I dream for a place in which I live

257Why one Hitler is able to shame an entire nation? One extremist, one terrorist transforms a peace loving religion in the house of terror? One ignorant man is able to ruin the good work his community does for the society? One stray, maddened dog succeeds to scare everyone from the ones like him? One beating is enough to instill fear in the minds of the masses. One weak knee is capable of collapsing a giant. One moment of infidelity traps lifetime of trust in an indent box. One moment of weakness, cripples one for a life time. Often people talk about the mighty phoenix, one who rises from the ashes. Entangled in myth, with shreds of past, future and present running wild – A stallion.

Through the woods of darkness comes a faint ray of hope that touches the skin of the one who aspires to breath. To break free from the chains of slavery, from the thin veins that run the course of blood upside down, from the light perhaps or from the darkness or from the eternity of space?

The faint shine rubs on his eyes fervently. The one who aspires to take it all in becomes enlightened or perhaps ignorant?

With a world living on a meager probability of Civilization vs Disintegration. What wrong one has got to do? Could one man ruin it all or could another save it all? The odds are against the one who saves, harder to protect then to endanger?

Was one Gandhi enough to save a doomed nation? Was one Jean Jacques a lone philosopher? Was one Vivekananda a sole preacher? How is it that good is limited but bad spreads like wild fire? Why some men are immortalized after massacring an entire race? Killing millions!

“The shining sword cuts the dirt ridden hands.”

The question posed is not of stillness of thoughts! It is the unforgiving nature of this race. To neglect what has benefited you and savor what instills wrath and emotions similar.

To walk with head held high and to look down often to remind oneself to stick his shoes to the ground is what I aspire, I dream for a place in which I live.

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